The objective of the Project is to improve operating environment of socially oriented not-for-profit organizations in Georgia through various targeted activities, inter alia, through contributing to development of welfare organizations, creating unified policy of social service delivery, monitoring legislation regulating and affecting social field, elaborating and lobbying comprehensive legislative package, contributing to institutional development of socially oriented organizations, advancing cooperation between social service provider not-for-profit organizations and government, advancing cooperation between welfare organizations via establishing efficient network, raising public awareness in social issues.
Civil Society Institute established Legal Clinic for welfare organizations. The Clinic shall deliver high-quality legal consultancy services free of charge to welfare not-for-profit organizations.
Current Activities:
The Government of Georgia launched numerous targeted social programmes, including Child Protection and Deinstitutionalization Programme. The objective of the Programme is to decrease number of vulnerable children in Georgia. Concurrently, Civil Society Institute initiated a Project “Creating Enabling Environment for Socially Oriented Not-for-Profit Organizations in Georgia”. The objective of the Project is to create comprehensive and unified social service delivery and deinstitutionalization policy.
Within the limits of the Project, Civil Society Institute researches international experience. In this connection, the Institute concentrates on foreign deinstitutionalization experience and foreign models of delegating the function of social service delivery to welfare organizations, as well as efficient models of government financing of welfare organizations. The purpose of research is to master and incorporate best international practices in legislative package to be elaborated within the boundaries of the Project.
Within the limits of the Project Civil Society Institute conducts survey, the finding of which shall establish the level of institutional development of welfare organizations in Georgia. The survey shall further reveal current operating environment of socially oriented organizations and serve as basis of determination the current capacity of these organizations to deliver social services. Within the boundaries of the Project, Civil Society institute works on creating an efficient network of socially oriented not-for-profit organizations. The purpose of the network is to ensure productive cooperation between welfare organizations and foster their participation in deinstitutionalization processes in the Country.
Within the limits of the Project, Civil Society Institute established Legal Clinic. The Clinic shall deliver high-quality legal consultancy services free of charge to welfare organizations in Georgia.
To contribute to the formation of effective, comprehensive and unified policy of social service delivery, Civil Society Institute works on raising public awareness in social issues through educational and informational activities. In this connection, the Institute shall publish a guidebook for journalists, authorities and other potential stakeholders, incorporating adequate terminology on social issues, international conventions, normative acts and other relevant materials.