The report on “Enabling Environment for Civil Society in Georgia” was prepared in the framework of EU funded project “Monitoring Progress Empowering Action” implemented in EaP countries. The report is based on the monitoring tool – CSO Meter. The report is prepared by the local partner of the project in Georgia – Civil Society Institute, following a joint methodology for all six Eastern Partnership countries.
The report covers all 10 areas that are part of the CSO Meter and provides recommendations for the improvement. It also outlines the most important findings in the end.
The report has been prepared in a highly consultative manner: about 180 stakeholders were engaged through Advisory Board, survey, focus group meetings and interviews. The collected data represents a valuable source of information to track the progress or regression, to support cross-country learning among EaP countries and most importantly, to propose evidence-based solutions for advocacy and policy-making in Georgia.
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The Report: “Enabling Environment For Civil Society In Georgia”