Civil Society Institute organized employment forum in Zugdidi. The purpose of the forum was to link potential employers and jobseekers selected and retrained in accordance with employers’ demands. In this connection, Civil Society institute announced competition “Employer of the Year”. The winner of the competition shall be awarded special prizes.
Since April 2005, Civil Society Institute, with financial support of OXFAM, has been implementing project on small business development and unemployment level reduction in Samegrelo region. The objective of the Project is contribution to unemployment level reduction and poverty eradication processes in the region.
Over the Project implementation period, Civil Society Institute delivered its consultancy services to over 1000 local entrepreneurs. Further, over 200 local entrepreneurs completed the training courses offered by the Institute within the limits of the Project.
In December 2006 Civil Society Institute commenced the process of implementation of the principal component of the Project – registration and retraining of jobseekers of the region. Initially, the process was thought to be implemented in partnership with State Agency for Employment. Due to change in government policy in this field, specifically, launch of President’s Employment Project, Civil Society Institute modified the model of implementation of the component for the purpose of avoiding overlap of activities conducted by the Government and the Institute.
Within the limits of the Project, Civil Society Institute organized meetings with local entrepreneurs to determine their demand in the field of human resources. Subsequently, Civil Society Institute commenced the process of vacancy announcement and jobseekers registration.
Registered jobseekers are selected in accordance with parameters and requirements determined by the employers. Behavioral training courses are delivered to selected jobseekers. The final candidates are selected by the employers on the basis of interviews. Before the jobseeker is actually employed, Civil Society Institute in the event of need delivers specialized training courses.
The described procedure leads to the following model: Contributing to small business development – vacancy announcement – jobseekers – retraining – employment.
The purpose of the forum was to link potential employers and jobseekers selected and retrained in accordance with employers’ demands.
In the context of unemployment issue, Civil Society institute announced competition “Employer of the Year”. The winner of the competition shall be awarded special prizes.
After the completion of the Project, Civil Society Institute shall have an opportunity to elaborate and submit to the Government a tested model of unemployment reduction. The model shall be submitted to State Agency for Employment, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Security, Ministry of Economics and relevant committees of Parliament.