State Grants


The challenge of non-governmental organizations – organizational and financial sustainability is a complex phenomenon and together with the legislation on non-entrepreneurial activities implies and introduction and development of the state funding mechanisms.

Civil Society Institute works on the improvement of enabling environment of civil society organizations. In 2008 the Institute has developed a legislative package on the state grants, which consisted of amendments to the Law of Georgia on Grants, adoption of a new Law on State Grants, approval by the President of Procedure for Issuing Grants (regulations), and amendments to the Law of Georgia on the State Budget. Civil Society Institute has organized discussions on the above issues between the third sector and state representatives.

In October 2011 the Parliament has brought amendments to the Law of Georgia on Grants. The “Ministry of Georgia” was added to this Law as an entity issuing the grants.

The Ministry of Justice of Georgia, in partnership with the Civil Society Institute was the first to develop the procedure for issuing grants, which was approved by the Order of the Minister of Justice at the end of December 2011. According to AndroGigauri, Head of the Ministry’s Administration, in the near future grant competitions will be announced for projects such as combatting trafficking in humans and provision of services required for rehabilitation and integration in the society of children in conflict with the law.